Minister of Industry, Trade and Tourism (MoITT), Mr. Henry Mussa has challenged local pharmaceutical manufacturers not only to target the Malawi Market, but also think global.Honourable Mussa was speaking in Mangochi on Thursday July 12, 2018 at a review meeting on the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Chapter of the Buy Malawi Strategy (BMS).
He observed that business is now on a global scale where myopic perspectives stand no chance.“It is my Ministry and the Government of Malawi’s profound interest to see to it that the regrettable belief that locally made products cannot be of high quality be reversed together with its accompanying effects on our socioeconomic fabric.
“Malawian manufacturers are already demonstrating how they meet the quality that passes for foreign product equivalents. This is clear proof that the international market is possible to penetrate,” said Mussa, adding his Ministry and the Government of Malawi will endevour to create a conducive manufacturing environment.
The interface, hosted by the Central Medical Stores Trust (CMST) was also attended by members of the Pharmaceutical Association of Malawi (PHAMAM) and Government officials.The meeting received and examined a report on the implementation of the Pharmaceutical Chapter of the Buy Malawi Campaign since its inception in 2013.
Areas of discussion included the financing of the Buy Malawi Strategy, implementation of incentives, pricing of BMS products, quality and definition of a locally produced products.
PHAMAM convener, Mr Chokani Mhango, said the group currently comprises five local pharmaceutical manufacturers and is a recognized broker of contracts between the Ministry of Health and the local manufacturers, through CMST.Central Medical Stores Trust Chief Exucutive Officer, Mr Feston Kaupa said his institution, as an implementation agency of the Pharmaceutical Chapter of the Buy Malawi Strategy, is happy to play a part in improving the population’s health gain through making sure that PHAMAM and its members get the needed help to operate in a befitting environment.
The Pharmaceutical Chapter of the Buy Malawi Strategy started in 2013 with 20 products, with a vision to grow local industry in Malawi. Currently, 40 more products have been added to PHAMAM’s approved list, bringing the total to 60.For all products assigned to PHAMAM, the priority for CMST is to buy such from PHAMAM as long the locally produced products do not cost over 20% more than imported equivalents.PHAMAM members must also meet a value addition requirement of at least 20% for their products to qualify as locally produced.
The Buy Malawi Strategy on the whole is a direct response initiated to reverse the worsening economic situation in Malawi due to commonly held belief that locally manufactured goods and services are of low quality as compared to imported products.