By signing this application form, the management of the applicant organisation commits and agrees to all of the terms and conditions of Buy Malawi Strategy initiatives as listed below.


The management and staff of the applicant organisation will, at all times:

  1. Support the aims and objectives of the Buy Malawi Strategy
  2. Obtain prior approval from Buy Malawi Strategy Executive Committee for any use of the Buy Malawi Strategy logo.
  3. Abide by the terms and conditions in the Code of Practice (to be developed).
  4. Whenever possible, increase the level of local content in the applicant organisation’s product and/or business activities.
  5. Practice fair and responsible standards including compliance with all labour legislation.
  6. Maintain and improve the quality of the applicant organisation’s activities, products and services.
  7. Practice sensible environmental behaviour.
  8. Help to promote the Buy Malawi Strategy to the applicant organisation’s staff, customers, suppliers and stakeholders.



The management and staff of the applicant organisation will, at all times:

  1. Give first preference to other Buy Malawi Strategy member companies when purchasing goods, materials and services required for the applicant organisation’s activities.
  2. Notify other Buy Malawi Strategy members of such supply opportunities when they arise.
  3. Wherever possible, purchase the materials, goods and services required for the applicant organisation’s activities from companies or suppliers operating in Malawi who use materials that are made in Malawi and labour which is Malawian.
  4. Ensure that the applicant organisation’s buying and procurement policies and decisions reflect the applicant organisation’s commitment to the Buy Malawi Strategy.



The management of the applicant company agrees to furnish additional information, as may be required by the Buy Malawi Strategy Secretariat or Executive Committee, in order for Buy Malawi Strategy to satisfy itself that the applicant organisation qualifies for membership. While the Buy Malawi Strategy Secretariat or Executive Committee recognises the applicant organisation’s rights to withhold information it deems sensitive or private, failure to supply information requested by Buy Malawi Strategy management may disqualify the applicant organisation from obtaining Buy Malawi Strategy membership. Buy Malawi Strategy Executive decision in this regard will be final.


Occasionally, before and after membership has been granted, Buy Malawi Strategy may conduct certain compliance checks on member organisations. The management of the applicant organisation, therefore, agrees to provide full co-operation to Buy Malawi Strategy or its representatives during the process.


Following a successful application, an organisation will be invoiced for the annual membership fee. Final membership will only be granted once payment has been received.  The amount of the membership fee is based on the class applied for and the BMS benefits that are linked to the class. The following are the classes and latent benefits:

Class A: FEE: K250, 000.00

Logo placement on all products and company materials; featured advertising and promotion activities; public relations; white papers and special reports on products and company; monthly email newsletters; online advertising on BMS website; given priority on Business to Business networking events and international trade fairs and other shows.

Class B: FEE: K150, 000.00

Logo placement on select products; public relations; monthly email newsletters; online advertising on BMS website,

Class C: FEE: K75, 000.00

Logo placement on a single product; monthly email newsletters; online advertising on BMS website,

Class D: FEE: K25, 000.00

Logo on item by item; capacity building and business to business linkages particularly for SMEs and cooperatives


  2. a) Buy Malawi Strategy Secretariat through the Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel any member organisation’s subscription at any time if compliance checks provide evidence that the member organisation does not conform to, or is not operating in accordance with, the Buy Malawi Strategy criteria. In such a case any refund of the subscription fee will be entirely at the discretion of the Buy Malawi Strategy Executive Committee after taking into consideration any administrative costs incurred.
  3. b) The applicant organisation agrees in advance that, upon cancellation for any reason whatsoever, the member organisation will provide a written confirmation to the Buy Malawi Secretariat that the use of all Buy Malawi Strategy materials and logos has ceased or will cease to be used immediately.
  5. a) An organisation’s membership will be valid for 12 months after the date of payment. Annual renewal membership fees will be invoiced to member organisations.

I certify that the information supplied in this application is correct and true and agree that we will abide by all the terms and conditions of membership as stated above.