The Minister of Trade, Hon. Sosten Gwengwe on Tuesday, 28th July 2020, visited Shoprite, Chipiku Plus and SPAR Supermarkets in the city of Lilongwe to appreciate their support in implementing the Buy Malawi Strategy.

Speaking to the shop managers and local producers’ representatives, the Minister emphasized the need to continuously work together to improve on the efforts all stakeholders are doing to ensure the Buy Malawi Strategy comes to fruition.

“I am satisfied with the quality of some of the local products found in the supermarkets.”

“Local Producers should embrace the spirit of working together. Form Associations or Cooperatives in order to meet the high volumes demanded by the Markets.”

“This will also help you to effectively lobby for your interests with Government” Said Hon Sosten Gwengwe, Minister of Trade.

The Government through the Ministry of Trade is promoting production of quality products and services that can substitute imports under the Buy Malawi Strategy. This in turn has the potential of increasing the tax base and creating  jobs.

Imani Investments Managing Director, Moses Nyirenda commended the Minister for creating opportunities where producers can interact with the Ministry.

“I am happy that government through the Ministry of Trade is willing to help us expand through increased production. Increase in production for us means increased employment.”

‘This will also grow the income generating initiative that Imani Investments does in the community. We have employed women and youths who receive commission on sales hence more production means more sales and more commission for the sales agents.” Said Moses Nyirenda.

Local industries need to continue working towards improving the quality and packaging of products in order to compete with foreign products.  While industries are doing their part, consumers are also encouraged to opt for Malawian products which are equally good in quality.

The strategy is a Government initiative that aims at moving Malawi from a predominantly importing to an exporting economy which also answers directly to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all and 9; Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.